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Definition of Unity:
The state of being united or joined as a whole.

Synonyms of Unity:

Union, unification, integration, amalgamation, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.

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We must remember that the details of how we get things done isn’t always important, so long as we keep our focus on the group’s primary purpose. –Just for Today (21/01)

There is a concept that says you move toward and become that which you think about. We all need to pray and meditate on this. We need to understand the property of unity. —Elders

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The First Step and the First Tradition attempt to instil in me enough humility to allow me a chance at survival. Together they are the basic foundation upon which the Steps and Traditions that follow are built. –Daily Reflections | More…

One of the principles of Community is Unity. The alignment of thoughts in groups of people will cause One Mind to form.

One Mind is Unity. Each individual in the community must align their thoughts with what other members are thinking.

If all the people think of helping one another, then the community will be service oriented and powerful results will be enjoyed. Having our thoughts aligned within a group will cause our children to experience a positive environment. When they have children, the grandchildren will automatically experience these results also. —Elders Meditations

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Because we are all children of God, it follows that we are all one big family — speaking different languages, having different customs, revealing different physical characteristics and complexions, requiring different satisfaction (both sexual and emotional), but we are still one big family under God.

This means I have a responsibility to all in the family and I can best exercise that responsibility by having a healthy respect for myself. I should treat people as I would want to be treated, allowing them the freedom and love I require in my life. I am the key to the world’s needs. –Father Leo | More…

Without unity I would be unable to recover in A.A. on a daily basis. By practicing unity within my group, with other A.A. members and at all levels of this great Fellowship, I receive a pronounced feeling of knowing that I am a part of a miracle that was divinely inspired. Unity is oneness and yet the whole Fellowship is for all of us. –Daily Reflections | More…

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There is a concept that says you move toward and become that which you think about. We all need to pray and meditate on this. We need to understand the property of unity. –Elders Meditations | More…

One of the principles of Community is Unity. The alignment of thoughts in groups of people will cause One Mind to form. One Mind is Unity. Each individual in the community must align their thoughts with what other members are thinking. If all the people think of helping one another, then the community will be service oriented and powerful results will be enjoyed. Having our thoughts aligned within a group will cause our children to experience a positive environment. When they have children, the grandchildren will automatically experience these results also. –Elders Meditations

Unity is not uniformity. Unity springs from the fact that we have unity of purpose—to recover, and to help others stay clean. Even so, we often find that while we strive to fulfill the same purpose, our means and methods may be radically different. In our dealings with each other, we sometimes disagree rather vocally. We must remember that the details of how we get things done isn’t always important, so long as we keep our focus on the group’s primary purpose. We can watch members who vehemently disagree over trivial things pull together when a newcomer reaches out for help. Someone was there for us when we got to the rooms. Now it is our turn to be there for others. We need unity to help show the newcomer that this way of life works. –Just For Today | More…

Unity is knowing one another, coming together, and working with no conflict. When we are aligned with spiritual values, we cannot be in fear or conflict. When we value unity we value solutions. If we think this way, then we have no conflict within ourselves. –Elders Meditations | More…

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