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Definition of Transformation:
A marked change in form, nature, or appearance.

Synonyms of Transformation:

Change, modification, variation, conversion, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.

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You were born with a spark of the Divine within you. It had been all but smothered by the life you were living.


That celestial fire has to be tended and fed so that it will grow eventually into a real desire to live the right way. The way of your transformation from the material to the spiritual is the way of Divine Companionship. –24Hours | More…

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Our mental and emotional garbage takes the forms of bad memories, festering resentments, and useless regrets. The magic of the 12 Step program is that we can use it to transform this mental garbage into useful experience.

A past mistake can become as asset when we share it with others. Pain and suffering can teach a lesson that helps all of us to grow. By forgiving others, a resentment can be turned into a friendship. –Walk In Dry Places/Mel B. | More…

Holding on to the past, either through guilt, longing, denial, or resentment, is a waste of valuable energy, energy that can be used to transform today and tomorrow. We cannot control the past. But we can transform it by allowing ourselves to heal from it and by accepting it with love for others and ourselves. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…

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The Program does not promise us that we will find good jobs, loving relationships, or a fulfilling life. But when we work the Twelve Steps to the best of our ability, we find that we can become the type of people who are capable of finding employment, sustaining loving relationships, and helping others. We stop serving our disease, and begin serving God and others. The Twelve Steps are the key to transforming our lives. –Just For Today | More…

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