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Definition of Tradition: guideline for relationships between groups, members, other groups, the global fellowship, and society at large.
Synonyms of Tradition: guideline, principle, practice, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.
Love in fellowship.

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Tradition Ten – Neutrality: Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy. | More…

By not expressing opinions on “outside issues,” 12 step groups hope to avoid controversy, both publically and within the fellowship itself. This policy also helps members keep the focus on their common purpose.

If this tradition is followed, it works to keep the fellowship as a whole from engaging in public controversy, but the principal can also be applied to “all the affairs” of individual members | More…

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To most of us, Alcoholics Anonymous has become as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. Hence we take for granted our continued unity as a movement.

The real question is, how shall we always be worthy of our present blessings? Our Tenth Tradition deals with the subject of controversy — serious controversy.

Our best defense? This surely lies in the formation of a Tradition respecting serious controversy so powerful that neither the weakness of persons nor the strain and strife of our troubled times can harm Alcoholics Anonymous. –Bill W/Grapevine | More…

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Tradition Ten checklist

Do I ever give the impression that there really is an “AA opinion” on Antabuse? Tranquilizers? Doctors? Psychiatrists? Churches? Hospitals? Jails? Alcohol? The federal government? Legalizing marijuana? Vitamins? Al-Anon? Alateen?

Can I honestly share my own personal experience concerning any of those without giving the impression I am stating the “AA opinion”?

What in AA history gave rise to our Tenth Tradition? Have I had a similar experience in my own AA life?

What would AA be without this Tradition? Where would I be? Do I breach this or any of its supporting Traditions in subtle, perhaps unconscious, ways? How can I manifest the spirit of this Tradition in my personal life outside AA? Inside AA? | More…

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The 12 Traditions of AA are a set of guidelines for how the organization should function. They were developed by the early members in response to problems as they arose.

The 12 Traditions first appeared as a set of principles in 1946. It is unlikely that AA could have survived so many years without these guiding regulations. | More…

The Principles of the Twelve Traditions
Tradition One: Unity
Tradition Two: Trust
Tradition Three: Identity
Tradition Four: Autonomy
Tradition Five: Purpose
Tradition Six: Solidarity
Tradition Seven: Responsibility
Tradition Eight: Fellowship
Tradition Nine: Structure
Tradition Ten: Neutrality
Tradition Eleven: Anonymity
Tradition Twelve: Spirituality | More…

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