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Definition of Tolerance:
the ability/willingness to tolerate opinions/behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.
Synonyms of Tolerance:
forbearance, sufferance, liberality, patience, long-suffering, understanding, charity, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.
Love in fellowship.

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The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking. The most impressive thing to me was the feeling of acceptance from members who were practicing the Third Tradition by tolerating and accepting me. –Daily Reflections | More…

We have no desire to convince anyone that there is only one way by which faith can be acquired. All of us, whatever our race, creed, or colour, are the children of a living Creator, with whom we may form a relationship upon simple and understandable terms as soon as we are willing and honest enough to try. –As Bill Sees It | More… (p.175)

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A.A. is constructed so that we need not debate the existence of God; but for best results, most of us must depend upon a Higher Power, and no right-minded A.A. would challenge your privilege to believe precisely that way.

We should all be glad that good recoveries can be made even on this limited basis. But turnabout is fair play. If you would expect tolerance for your point of view, I am sure you would be willing to reciprocate.

I try to remember that, down through the centuries, lots of brighter people than I have been found on both sides of this debate about belief. For myself, of late years, I am finding it much easier to believe that God made man, than that man-made God. –As Bill Sees It More… (p.73)

…ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. We have found tolerance to be a principle that strengthens not only our own recovery but also our relationships with individuals who are a source of irritation to us. –Just For Today | More…

Tolerance is the art of seeing yourself as others see you — and not getting mad about it. –June 1964 “Short Takes,” AA Grapevine

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Finally, we begin to see that all people, including ourselves, are to some extent emotionally ill as well as frequently wrong. When this happens, we approach true tolerance and we see what real love for our fellows actually means. –As Bill Sees It p.203 | More…

Practice tolerance.
Tolerate our quirks, our feelings, our reactions, our peculiarities, and our humanness.

Tolerate our fears, our mistakes, our natural tendency to duck from problems, and pain.
Tolerate our instinctive desire to control and how we reluctantly learn to practice detachment.

Tolerate our need to occasionally feel superior, to sometimes feel ashamed, and to occasionally share love as an equal. Practice healthy, loving tolerance of ourselves, said one man.

When we do, we’ll learn tolerance for others. Then, take it one step further; learn that all the humanness we’re tolerating is what makes ourselves and others beautiful. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…

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A.A. grows by the starting of new groups all the time. It’s a good thing for a large group to split up into smaller ones, even it if means that the large group becomes smaller. With God, we can have the tolerance to live and let live. –24Hours | More…

We can develop a humble self-awareness that takes all of our pluses and minuses into account. When we examine ourselves gently, but honestly, we find ourselves in a position where we can correct our own faults and become more tolerant and accepting of the faults of others. Unconditional love we give ourselves — and everyone we care for — isn’t blind to imperfection; instead, it openly accepts strengths and weaknesses. –One More Day | More…

A.A. is constructed so that we need not debate the existence of God; But for best results, most of us must depend upon a Higher Power, and no right-minded A.A. would challenge your privilege to believe precisely that way.

If you would expect tolerance for your point of view, I am sure you would be willing to reciprocate. Of late years, I am finding it much easier to believe that God made man, than that man-made God. –As Bill Sees It p.73 | More…

Gradually we began to be able to accept the other fellow’s sins as well as his virtues.
Finally, we begin to see that all people, including ourselves, are to some extent emotionally ill as well as frequently wrong. When this happens, we approach true tolerance and we see what real love for our fellows actually means. –As Bill Sees It p.203 | More…

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