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Definition of Strength:
The state or quality of being physically or mentally strong

Synonyms of Strength:

Capacity, force, talent, energy, fortitude, tenacity, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.

Strength & Courage
It takes strength to be firm, It takes courage to be gentle.
It takes strength to conquer, It takes courage to surrender.
It takes strength to be certain, It takes courage to have doubt.
It takes strength to fit in, It takes courage to stand out.
It takes strength to feel a friend’s pain, It takes courage to feel your own pain.
It takes strength to endure abuse, It takes courage to stop it.
It takes strength to stand alone, It takes courage to lean on another.
It takes strength to love, It takes courage to be loved. | More…

We are capable of far more than we think. With help, we can do what must be done. We only need to faithfully do a little at a time. –Touchstones | More…

No chain is stronger than its weakest link. Likewise, if you fail in the day-by-day program, in all probability it will be your weakest point.

Great faith and constant contact with God’s power can help you discover, guard, and undergird your weakest point with a strength not your own. Intelligent faith in God’s power can be counted on to help you master your emotions, help you to think kindly of others, and help you with any task that you undertake. –24Hours | More…

One of the most encouraging facts of life is that your weakness can become your greatest asset. No weakness, such as drinking, ever turned into an asset until it was first fairly faced. –24Hours | More…

Far from being a weakness, this dependence upon a Higher Power was their chief source of strength. –As Bill Sees It | More… (p.200)

Never let yourself think you cannot do something useful or that you never will be able to accomplish a useful task. The fact is that you can do practically anything in the field of human relationships, if you are willing to call on God’s supply of strength.

The supply may not be immediately available, because you may not be entirely ready to receive it. But it will surely come when you are properly prepared for it. –24Hours | More…

All A.A. members have “clay feet.” They are all only one drink away from a drunk, no matter how long they have been in A.A.

We only fail when we trust too much to our own strength. Do not feel bad about your weakness.

When you are weak, that is when God is strong to help you. Trust God enough, and your weakness will not matter. –24Hours | More…

You can take one arrow and break it in half. But if you take 12 arrows in a bundle, it’s almost impossible to break any of them.

There is strength in Unity. When we are together we are very powerful. This is the way the ancestors told us we need to be. Strong. We need to unite ourselves.

This is why the Elders say, when we make decisions, we must first consider the good of the people. If every person in the community thinks this way, then we will always make strong decisions. –Elders Meditations | More…

We only fail when we trust too much to our own strength.
Do not feel bad about your weakness.

When you are weak, that is when God is strong to help you.
Trust God enough, and your weakness will not matter. –24Hours | More…

As I work my recovery, I am beginning to see everything from a new perspective. The more I allow myself to accept that my powerlessness is not a prison of doom, the more I discover that it is my doorway to faith, surrender, and serenity. –One Day At A Time | More…

Never let yourself think you cannot do something useful or that you never will be able to accomplish a useful task. The fact is that you can do practically anything in the field of human relationships, if you are willing to call on God’s supply of strength.

The supply may not be immediately available, because you may not be entirely ready to receive it. But it will surely come when you are properly prepared for it. –24Hours 06/07 | More…

I remember only to rejoice in today’s strength that allows vulnerability. My past weaknesses made me act strong. Today my strength allows me to be weak. –Father Leo’s Meditations | More…

You can take one arrow and break it in half. But if you take 12 arrows in a bundle, it’s almost impossible to break any of them. There is strength in Unity. When we are together we are very powerful. This is the way the ancestors told us we need to be. Strong. We need to unite ourselves. This is why the Elders say, when we make decisions, we must first consider the good of the people. If every person in the community thinks this way, then we will always make strong decisions. –Elders Meditations.

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