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Definition of Step Seven – Humility:
The quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance.

of Step Seven – Humility:
Modesty, humbleness, meekness, lack of pride, unassertiveness, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.

Step Seven: Humbly asked him to remove our shortcomings. | More..

When someone points out a shortcoming, our first reaction may be defensive. There will always be room for growth.

Letting go of our defences opens the door to change, growth, and new freedom. Each day in the recovery process will bring an opportunity for further change and growth.   –Just For Today | More…

It was only by repeated humiliations that we were forced to learn something about humility. Every newcomer soon realizes that his humble admission of powerlessness over alcohol is his first step toward liberation from its paralyzing grip. –12 & 12 p.72/3 | More…

We would not believe that our adult dreams were often truly childish. –12 & 12 p.119-120 | More…

In Step Six, we got ready to give up our shortcomings.
In Step Seven, we ask God to remove them.

There is one catch.
We humbly ask God to remove them.

Being humble means we remember who we are: human beings who need God’s help.
Being humble is not a weakness, but a true strength. –Keep It Simple | More…

The Seventh Step is where we make the change in our attitude which permits us, with humility as our guide, to move out from ourselves toward others and toward God.

Because of this  humbling Step, I feel clean. I am especially aware of this Step because I’m now able to be useful to God and to my fellows. –Daily Reflections | More…

Without some degree of humility, no alcoholic can stay sober at all… Humbly means “to show submissive,” and by being humble I realize I am not the center of the universe.

Humility enables me to depend more on God to help me overcome obstacles, to help me with my own imperfections, so that I may grow spiritually.

Daily communion with God demonstrates my humility and provides me with the realization, that an entity more powerful than I is willing to help me if I cease trying to play God myself.  –Daily Reflections | More…

was missing and the impact of Step Seven escaped me. What had I overlooked? A single word: read but ignored, the foundation of all the Steps, indeed the entire Alcoholics Anonymous program – that word is “humbly”.

I understood my shortcomings: I constantly put tasks off; I angered easily; I felt too much self-pity; and thought, why me? Then I remembered, “Pride goeth before the fall,” and I eliminated pride from my life. –Daily Reflections | More…

The Seventh Step Prayer follows….

My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen. –Big Book p.76 | More…

Bill W. considered each step to be a spiritual principle in and of itself. The most important of these is Humility.

Core Spiritual Principles of the Program:  Willingness, Open-mindedness, Honesty. AA’s Code:  Love and Tolerance of Others.

The Principles of the Twelve Steps

Step One:            Honesty
Step Two:            Hope
Step Three:         Faith (Surrender)
Step Four:           Courage
Step Five:            Integrity
Step Six:              Willingness
Step Seven:         Humility
Step Eight:          Brotherly love
Step Nine:           Discipline
Step Ten:             Perseverance
Step Eleven:       Awareness
Step Twelve:      Service (Charity)

The relative success of the A.A. program seems to be due to the fact that an alcoholic who no longer drinks has an exceptional faculty for “reaching” and helping an uncontrolled drinker.

The heart of the suggested program of personal recovery is contained in Twelve Steps describing the experience of the earliest members of the Society.

The five principles of the Twelve Step Program are; membership requirement, spiritual basis, personal inventory, restitution, and helping others. | More…

We humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. Ironically, that’s when the trouble really starts. It is truly humbling to realize that not only are we powerless over our addiction, but even over our own defects of character. The Seventh Step doesn’t suggest that we rid ourselves of our shortcomings, but that we ask our Higher Power to rid us of them. The focus of our daily prayers begins to shift. Admitting our inability to perfect ourselves, we plead with our Higher Power to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. And we wait. –Just For Today | More…


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