
Definition of Rightness:
the quality of being morally good, justified, acceptable.

Synonyms of Rightness:

goodness, morality, uprightness, virtuous, ethicalness, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


You cannot change your type, but you can make yourself a brilliant success in that type,’ wrote Emmet Fox. This is a reminder for people who are discontented with their lot in life, and this includes most people who participate in 12 Step programs.

If I’m doing what’s right for my type, I’ll give it my very best. If I’m in the wrong place, I’ll know that my Higher Power is guiding me toward the right outlet for my talents. –Walk In Dry Places/Mel B | More…


In recovery, we regain our right to have choices, our right to have honest relationships.
Sometimes, standing up for our rights will mean going against the crowd.

Being sober will mean, at times being different. This is normal. But we don’t stand alone. We have friends who will stand with us during hard times.

We have a Higher Power who will guide and comfort us. We are people with rights. Let’s work hard so nothing takes away our rights. –Keep It Simple | More…


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