
Definition of Reverence:
Deep respect for someone or something.

Synonyms of Reverence:
Admiration, appreciation, recognition, veneration, liking, etc,

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Let us not stifle ourselves any longer. Many of us for far too long passively watched others move forward. We must remember responsible choices, for only those make possible our very special contributions.

Alone, we are strugglers; however, we have a ready partnership, and it guarantees us guidance, wisdom, and strength when we ask for it. –Each Day a New Beginning/Karen Casey | More…


Let us not stifle ourselves any longer. Many of us for far too long passively watched others move forward. We must remember responsible choices, for only those make possible our very special contributions. Alone, we are strugglers; however, we have a ready partnership, and it guarantees us guidance, wisdom, and strength when we ask for it. –Each Day a New Beginning | More…


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