
Definition of Reality:
The state of things as they exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

Synonyms of Reality: 

Real life, actuality, truth, corporeality, substantiality, materiality, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.

One of the sad realities of life is that we’re awash in disorder that we can’t fix. We can react by becoming angry or by making quixotic efforts to solve some of these problems.
Our best course, however, is to apply our 12 Step program to life in this world.

The Serenity Prayer suggests we accept what we can’t change. A slogan reminds us to set priorities (“First things First.”) The Eleventh Step reminds us to always seek God’s will. –Walk In Dry Places/Mel B. | More…

I wonder why we find it hard to face reality? Today I am on a journey towards reality and it is a spiritual journey. I know I will never be completely real, a part of me will always be “diseased”. I must live and treat my compulsive behavior on a daily basis — but my life is getting better.

I am slowly growing in an understanding of who I am and what I need.–Father Leo | More…

In the past, too often I indulged in the belief that somehow or other tomorrow would be brighter or happier or richer. If we close our mind to the present, we’ll only continue to do so when the tomorrow we dream of now becomes the present.

There are no tomorrows. –Each Day A New Beginning/Karen Casey | More…

No one of us is immune from the troubles of life.  Keeping our lives as full as possible with the love of good people and the challenge of activities provides support even when times get tough. –One More Day | More…

I no longer try to escape life through alcoholism. Alcohol deadens the brain cells that preside over our highest faculties and we are off to the unreal world of drunkenness.
In these times of quiet meditation, try more and more to set your hopes on the grace of God.

I pray that I may not be overwhelmed by material things, and pray that I may realize the higher value of spiritual things. –24Hours 20/11 | More…

Our trust in others may have been shaken, but our trust in ourselves may have been shattered worse. We cannot let our past interfere with our ability to trust ourselves.
We benefit from our mistakes. We benefit from our past. And if we have made mistakes, we needed to make them in order to learn along the way.

I will give my past, even my mistakes, validity by accepting and being grateful for it all. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…

The resolve to fulfil commitments we make to ourselves and others may be lacking until we learn to rely on the wisdom and strength offered by our Higher Power. Whatever our desires, whatever our commitments, if for the good of others and ourselves, they will come to fruition.

We can ask for direction. We can ask for resolve, and each worthy hope and unrealized promise will become reality. –Each Day A New Beginning/Karen Casey | More…

No one of us is immune from the troubles of life. Keeping our lives as full as possible with the love of good people and the challenge of activities provides support even when times get tough. –One More Day

When you are joyful, be joyful; when you are sad, be sad. If God has given you a sweet cup, don’t make it bitter; and if He has given you a bitter cup, don’t try and make it sweet; take things as they come –Oswald Chambers

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