QUOTES (Chuck C.)

Chuck C2

Definition of Quote:
Repeat of words or a text by another person.

Synonyms for Quote:

Recite, repeat, reproduce, restate, echo, reiterate, excerpt, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


problems can be reduced to one problem;  Conscious separation from God. All solutions can be reduced to one solution; Conscious contact with God. –Chuck C.

You can have a Self-centered life and suffer the consequences, or,
You can have a God-centered life and suffer the consequences –Chuck C.


This is not a headache we’re talking about.
We’re talking about a terminal illness.
I have to be sober.
Sobriety and life are synonymous. | More…

Perfectionism is a beautiful characteristic when we learn how to live it, but until we do it’ll kill us, forever disappointed in ourselves and everything around us. We’re not emotionally immature, we’re highly sensitive

Sobriety has to come first. Unless and/or until sobriety comes first we can’t have it. You can live yourself into right thinking, but you cannot think yourself into right living. | More…

Chuck C was born in 1902, and got sober in A.A. in January 1946. He wrote a book called “A New Pair Of Glasses” which is a transcript of a retreat he gave for alcoholics in 1975. The Preface is written by Clancy I. of California.

Heaven is just a new pair of glasses, said Father Ed Dowling

We don’t drink today and, after a while, we are free from the physical effects of alcohol. But until we become emotionally stable and mentally stable and spiritually somewhat stable, we’re not sober. [p120]


series of talks were recorded at the January 1975 Pala Mesa Retreat.
This men’s retreat had 64 AA men attending.

These recordings were made by one of these men on a small tape recorder.

Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop “A New Pair of Glasses” at the Pala Mesa Retreat – 1975  | Tape 1 of 6

Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop “A New Pair of Glasses” at the Pala Mesa Retreat – 1975  | Tape 2 of 6

Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop “A New Pair of Glasses” at the Pala Mesa Retreat – 1975  | Tape 3 of 6

Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop “A New Pair of Glasses” at the Pala Mesa Retreat – 1975  | Tape 4 of 6

Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop “A New Pair of Glasses” at the Pala Mesa Retreat – 1975  | Tape 5 of 6

Chuck C. from Laguna Beach, CA doing his workshop “A New Pair of Glasses” at the Pala Mesa Retreat – 1975  | Tape 6 of 6


is four-fold: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Physical sobriety comes from not drinking.

All of us are God’s kids. Whether we believe it or not, whether we like it or not, even if we deny it, we cannot change the reality of our own being. Walking alone is not normal, is not natural. Most of us have walked alone for most of our lives. [p27]

It’s normal for us to walk down the high road of life with our arms around each other, sharing our experience, strength and hope, one with another in love. [p115] Some part of every one of you is going to be with me for the rest of my life.

So thank you again. All I have to do is look into the eyes of a bunch like you, to see my God. [p117]  Many more tapes of ‘Chuck C’ at Recovery Audio are available here

Chuck Chamberlain’s Testimony Before a U.S. Senate Subcommittee, 1969.
‘My first drink was not a problem. It was an answer’ | More…

Chuck C, now deceased, continues to have a major influence in the recovery community.Recordings of his talks and shares are available here


This is not a headache we’re talking about. We’re talking about a terminal illness. I have to be sober. Sobriety and life are synonymous.

Perfectionism is a beautiful characteristic when we learn how to live it, but until we do it’ll kill us. Forever disappointed in ourselves and everything around us. We’re not emotionally immature, we’re highly sensitive

Sobriety has to come first. Unless and/or until sobriety comes first we can’t have it. You can live yourself into right thinking, but you cannot think yourself into right living.


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