
Definition of Promise:
A declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen

Synonyms of Promise
Word, assurance, pledge, vow, guarantee, oath, bond, undertaking, agreement, commitment, contract, covenant, etc

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


some time in recovery, good things start happening in our lives. We are given gifts—spiritual gifts, material gifts, gifts that we’ve always dreamed of but never dared hope we’d get. –Just For Today | More…

We will not regret the past nor fear the future. Neither the past nor the future should control what we’re thinking and doing today.

In amazing ways, our Higher Power sometimes turns negative conditions into future benefits. This was actually what happened when our compulsive condition led directly to a new way of life. –Releasing The Past Mel B. 16/07 | More…


Many have heard of the Ninth Step Promises from page 83-84 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are, however, additional promises in the Big Book.

The following is a list of approximately 150 promises compiled from the first edition of the Big Book. Some of the promises are directly associated with completion of a step. Some of the promises are inferred from the experiences of the first 100 men and women who recovered from alcoholism. –Friends of Bill W | More…

The last Promise in the Big Book came true for me on the very first day of sobriety. God kept me sober that day, and on every other day I allowed Him to operate in my life. I must be willing to do His work, so that He can function through me successfully.  –Daily Reflections | More…

After some time in recovery, good things start happening in our lives. We are given gifts—spiritual gifts, material gifts, gifts that we’ve always dreamed of but never dared hope we’d get. These, however, are truly gifts—they are not promised to us just because we become NA members. All we are promised is freedom from addiction—and it’s more than enough! –Just For Today | More…


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