
Definition of Patience:
The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Synonyms of Patience:
Forbearance, tolerance, restraint, stoicism, fortitude, sufferance, endurance; calmness, composure, serenity, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Patience with ourselves may be the first step toward patience with others. Some of us want to rush through our learning and push our growth too fast.

Our growth is not our invention. When answers come, they are gifts, and we do not control them. –Touchstones | More…


Life is not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament. —George Santayana
Since we cannot force simplicity upon the world, we must turn to ourselves for a new response.

We can become more tolerant of our unsettled predicaments. We can learn to have faith that good comes from change. –Touchstones | More…

If we are impatient, we cannot work a daily program. By exercising patience, we learn it is worth waiting for, striving for, and working to develop a relationship with our Higher Power. –Day by Day | More…

There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen. I can take the action by doing the step work, and leave the outcome in my Higher Power’s hands. –One Day At A Time | More…

Do not confuse the suggestion to be patient with the old rule about not having feelings. We find patience by surrendering to our feelings. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…


How much fuller each day feels when we can be patient and accept the inches we have progressed. Yet, we are aware of large problems which require miles of progress.

We may want others in our lives to change quickly, we may be impatient with a work situation, or we may feel angry about an addiction. Perhaps the spiritual message to us is we need to surrender to time.

We are on the road moving in the direction of recovery. The forces of progress are at work. Our growth now may come in learning patience and trusting this process. Looking back we might see a mile of progress. It was made an inch at a time. –Touchstones | More…

One of the most difficult things I’ve had to learn is the art of patience and allowing God to work within his own time while I do the footwork to the best of my ability. It is my belief that the universe and my Higher Power will order the next level of my physical recovery.

Physical recovery does not grow without spiritual progress. This Program is a journey.
Spiritual recovery, as “Old-timers” have told us again and again, is the actual foundation of the program. –One Day At A Time | More…


There are no short cuts.
Every tree must grow according to the growth plan of the Creator.

Every flower must grow according to the plan of God. The moon must make its trip around the earth according to God’s plan.

Every human being must grow according to the plan of the Creator.  Sometimes we look at ourselves and we think we are not growing but we are always growing.

Because we cannot see it with our mind does not mean it is not happening. We must be patient with ourselves and let the Creator direct our growth. –Elders | More…

We will be fulfilled in the best way possible and as quickly as possible. Sometimes, we have lessons to learn first, lessons that prepare us so we can accept the good we deserve.

Things are being worked out in us, and in others.
Blocks in us are being removed. A solid foundation is being laid.


Be patient, Relax and trust. Let go. Then, let go some more.
Good things are planned for us.

We will receive them at the first available moment.
Relax and trust. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…

I am impatient about having patience! Seriously, patience is when I recognize the need to “back off” — allow God into the driver’s seat, resting in the knowledge that things happen in God’s time.

I can experience patience usually when I get in touch with gratitude. Once I stop giving energy to the “I wants”, the joy of serenity breathes through my life and I can rest. Sometimes I need to “stop” and say a loud and resonant “thank you”. –Father Leo | More…

Patience with ourselves may be the first step toward patience with others. Some of us want to rush through our learning and push our growth too fast.

Our growth is not our invention. When answers come, they are gifts, and we do not control them. –Touchstones | More…


So much to say. And so much not to say! Clearing the air is necessary sometimes, and it freshens all relationships. Within our quiet spaces, we always know when we must speak up. And the direction will come. The right moment will present itself. –Each Day a New Beginning | More…

One of the most difficult things I’ve had to learn is the art of patience and allowing God to work within his own time while I do the footwork to the best of my ability. It is my belief that the universe and my Higher Power will order the next level of my physical recovery. Physical recovery does not grow without spiritual progress. This Program is a journey. Spiritual recovery, as “Old-timers” have told us again and again, is the actual foundation of the program. –One Day At A Time | More…


I am impatient about having patience! Seriously, patience is when I recognize the need to “back off” — allow God into the driver’s seat, resting in the knowledge that things happen in God’s time. I can experience patience usually when I get in touch with gratitude. Once I stop giving energy to the “I wants”, the joy of serenity breathes through my life and I can rest. Sometimes I need to “stop” and say a loud and resonant “thank you”. –Father Leo

There are no short cuts. Every tree must grow according to the growth plan of the Creator. Every flower must grow according to the plan of God. The moon must make its trip around the earth according to God’s plan. Every human being must grow according to the plan of the Creator. Sometimes we look at ourselves and we think we are not growing but we are always growing. Because we cannot see it with our mind does not mean it is not happening. We must be patient with ourselves and let the Creator direct our growth. –Elders Meditations | More…

Patience with others is Love, Patience with self is Hope, Patience with God is Faith. – Anon


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