Definition of Opportunity:
A time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

of Opportunity:
Chance, favorable time/occasion/moment, suitable time/occasion/moment, opening, window (of opportunity), etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Everything changes. Nothing stays the same. Nothing lasts forever, and within each struggle is the opportunity for real growth. –Each Day a New Beginning/Karen Casey | More… 


A major element of our recovery is the focus we place on our behavior, the seriousness with which we tackle our inventories. We can look at ourselves and how we reach out and act toward others; it is a far cry from where we were before entering this program.

How thrilling is the knowledge that we can invite loving behavior by giving it! In every instance we can control our behavior.

Thus never should we be surprised about the conditions of our lives. –Each Day A New Beginning/Karen Casey 17/12 | More…


Do you see what a special, precious opportunity each day of your life is. See all the lessons you can learn. See how you can participate in your growth.

See how carefully God holds your hand, guides you down the right path, offers just the right words and opportunities at the right moments, sends just the right people your way. You can stumble and fall and feel abandoned, then get up and suddenly, in one moment, understand that lesson you’ve been trying to learn.

You can wait and thank God later. But you might as well thank God now. Maybe the best way to thank God is by living your life fully today. –More Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…


Life experience and a measure of reflection show us that most of what comes our way is beyond our control. When we use trouble as our teacher, we develop the art of living.

We are taking a spiritual approach, using our Higher Power as our guide.
We can choose today to use our difficulties for our learning and growth.

Serenity develops, not by eliminating life’s difficulties, but by having a reliable relationship with our Higher Power in the midst of it all. –Touchstones 11/12 | More…


Opportunities will come today, opportunities to be good or evil. Opportunities for making choices over which we will feel good or full of regret at the day’s close. Many of our choices will bring us closer to the satisfaction, the contentment with life that we all search for as human beings. We need not fear coming to life’s close, wishing we had done more or better. Living each day in good conscience, waiting for divine guidance and following it, will ensure a life well lived. –Each Day a New Beginning| More…

Action must be guided by both intellect and experience. We learn from teachers, elders, and others. But we must also test what we learn in the world. It is not enough to simply meditate, and it is not enough just to have theoretical knowledge. We need both in order to be wise.

Only when wisdom, courage, timing, and perseverance are combined can one have a sound basis for initiative. The action must be complete. It must burn clean; it cannot leave any bad ramifications or lingering traces. An act that leaves destruction, resentment, or untidiness in its wake it a poor one. Then initiative is insufficient, and Tao has not been attained. –365 Daily Tao 19/01 | More…


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