Definition of Need:
A thing that is wanted or required.

Synonyms of Need:

Requirement, essential, necessity, requisite, demand, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


The circumstances of our lives seldom live up to our expectations or desires. However, in each circumstance we are offered an opportunity for growth or change, a chance for greater understanding of life’s heights and pitfalls.

We get what we need, in the way of relationships, adventures, joys and sorrows, today and every day. Celebrating what we get and knowing there is good in it eases whatever trial we are undergoing.

We are cared for, right now. We need not lament what we think we need.  –Each Day A New Beginning/Karen Casey | More…

Our task is to allow ourselves to come into harmony with our Source. Our task is to believe in, and look to, our true Source. Our task is to release fear; negative thinking, limitations, and short supply thinking. Everything we need shall be provided to us. No need is too small or too great. If we care and value our need, God will too. Our part is taking responsibility for owning the need. Our part is giving the need to the Universe. Our part is letting go, in faith. Our part is giving God permission to meet our needs by believing we deserve to have our needs—and wants—met. Our part is simply to be who we are, and love being that. –The Language of Letting Go | More…


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