Definition of Mysticism:
Vague or ill-defined religious or spiritual belief

Synonyms of Mysticism:
Cabalism, pietism, sorcery, spiritualism, orphism,

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
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Love in fellowship.


All mystical traditions are one. They are the seed of all religions.

Tao. Zen. Tantra. Yoga. Kabbalah. Sufi. Mystic Christianity. Shamanism. And so many more secretly treasured by their adherents. These all share the same mystical sense of communion with the divine.

Meditation is not something peculiar to one culture. All cultures know a mystical core that emphasizes continuing refinement, meditation, and unification with the greater cosmos.

When they discovered what was holy, they uttered different sounds according to their history and culture, but they all discovered the same thing. There is only one divine source in life. –Daily Tao | More…


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