
These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


As the program works its way into our lives, we begin acting less frequently on our more questionable motives. We regularly examine ourselves, and we talk with our sponsor about what we find.

We pray for knowledge of our Higher Power’s will for us, and we seek the power to act on the knowledge we’re given. The result?  We don’t get perfect, but we do get better.

We’ve begun working a spiritual program.
We won’t ever become spiritual giants.

If we look at ourselves realistically,
We’ll probably realize that we’ve been doing better than we’ve been feeling.

Just for today:  I will examine myself realistically. I will seek the power to act on my best motives, and not to act on my worst.  –Just For Today | More…


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