
Definition of Message:
A verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly.

of Message:
Communication, word, posting, missive, communiqué, announcement, etc

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


The Twelve Step program has made each of us a messenger for God.
When we isolate, the old attitudes and behaviors return.

We are told to be “painstaking” about our efforts.
The benefits will match them –A Life of My Own/Karen Casey | More…

The disease of alcoholism is “cunning, baffling and powerful”, and it manipulates us to believe “the lie”. There is a point that we reach in our disease where we believe that crazy behavior is acceptable.

Insanity becomes the order of the day.  Insanity and isolation are often companions; they feed off each other. We need always to stay close to our recovering community. –Father Leo | More…


If we are having problems with what certain people have to share at meetings, we might want to seek the guidance of our sponsor. Our sponsor can help us concentrate on what’s being said rather than who’s saying it. Our sponsor can also help us address the resentments that may be keeping us from acknowledging the value of some particular person’s recovery experience. It is surprising how much more we can get out of meetings when we allow ourselves to do as our Twelfth Tradition suggests, focusing on recovery principles rather than personalities. –Just For Today | More…


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