
Definition of Meditation:
The action or practice of meditating.

Synonyms of Meditation:

Contemplation, reflection, deliberation,  rumination, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Daily meditation for about 20 minutes is recommended for all in recovery; unless, of course, you’re very busy, – then you should meditate for an hour. –Pocket Sponsor | More…

You can have a God-centered life and suffer the consequences, or you can have a Self-centered life and suffer the consequences –Chuck Chamberlin | More…


Taking time for daily meditations helps us to find the peace and calm at our center. As recovery continues, the sense that everything is moving too quickly will slow down. –If You Want What We Have/Joan Larkin | More…

Our program teaches us to slow down.
We learn to slow down by taking time out.

During these times-outs, we look at our values and see if we’re staying true to them.
Because of that, meditation is an important part of our program.

It teaches us to slow down. –Keep It Simple 14/07 | More…

When you are with others, be with them wholeheartedly. But when you are by yourself, be alone with God. –One Day At A Time | More…


I still feel intimidated when other people ask me about meditation. It’s one of those things I don’t feel I do enough, and when I do, I have a lingering sense that I’m not doing it right.

But if you ask me whether I try to spend time quieting myself, getting centered, becoming relieved of my own tiresome, worrisome, obsessive thoughts each day, the answer is absolutely yes. Sometimes when I close my eyes. I pray.

Sometimes I try to focus on a meditative thought. Usually I try to focus on breathing and being as still as I can. –52 Weeks of Conscious Contact/Melody Beattie | More…

Disentangling oneself
From desire and evil ways

Requires both vision and wisdom.
Disentangling oneself from the world

And discovering inner joy Is the start of meditation. —–Sutra on the Perfection of Wisdom | More…


Meditation encourages deep and comforting thoughts. How we meditate has little importance, for customs are different across the cultures.

What does matter is that we are turning to rich spiritual resources, so that each day we can give some serious time to our most pertinent thoughts and to improve ourselves. –One More Day | More…

Set for yourself the task of growing daily more and more into the consciousness of a Higher Power. We must keep trying to improve our conscious contact with God.

This is done by prayer, quiet times, and communion. Often all you need to do is sit silent before God and let Him speak to you through your thought.

When the guidance comes, you must not hesitate, but go out and follow that guidance in your daily work, doing what you believe to be the right thing. –24Hours | More…


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