
Definition of Medicine:
A drug or other preparation for the treatment or prevention of disease.

Synonyms of Medicine:

Medication, remedy, cure, panacea, prescription, treatment; medicinal, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Prescribed medicine….
Sometimes the very medicines prescribed to help us return to a more stable health situation can cause side effects which can be nearly intolerable.

Despite these side effects, we should not stop following dosage instructions until we talk with our doctors, who can help minimize the side effects. In this way we will gain one more foothold in the process of learning to live with our problems. –One More Day | More…

Everything has a purpose and everything has a will. We should never interfere with purpose or the will of everything. Every plant, creature, animal, insect, and human being has a purpose to be here on the Earth. Each has a special medicine to contribute for the good of all things. Each person also has good medicine, a special talent, a special gift. These medicines are to help others or to help make us healthy. What is your special medicine? –Elders Meditations | More…


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