Life’s Path


These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Each of us sees and experiences God in a way somehow unique to us. Each of us is encouraged to follow a spiritual path that seems to have been created for us.

And we need not worry if we’re on the right one, because every path leads to God. Each of us understands God in a way no one else does. There’s a place in God’s love for each of us.

And out of that place we can bring light to other people, just as our own special people have brought their light to us. –In God’s Care/Karen Casey | More….

We are masterworks, all lovingly created by God’s hands. Whether our colors are vivid or subtle, whether the design is boldly abstract or serenely pastoral is not our choice. Ours is only to accept this work of art as given.

To strive to reveal our true colors and the beauty of our true design in everything we say and think and do. ==Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, August 1992/”An Indescribable Benevolence,”  Step By Step/Grapevine


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