Independent Thinker

Definition of Independence: 
The fact or state of being independent.

of Independence:
Self-governing/determining, autonomous, freedom, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Love and attachment are not synonymous. They are close to being opposites. If we “attach” ourselves to others, our movements as separate individuals are hampered.

Attachment means dependency; it means letting our movements be controlled by the one we are “hooked” to. Dependency mood-altering substances, on food, on people, means unmanageability in our individual lives.

Many in recovery, though abstinent, still struggle with dependency on a certain person or a certain friend. It is healthy independence we are striving for-taking responsibility for our own lives-making choices appropriate for our personal selves.

Loving others means letting them make their own choices unhampered by our
“attachment.” –Each Day a New Beginning/Karen Casey | More…


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