Definition of Foundation:
The lowest load-bearing part of a building,

Synonyms of Foundation:
Footing, base, substructure, underpinning, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Practicing the A.A. program is like building a house. First I had to pour a big, thick concrete slab on which to erect the house; that, to me, was the equivalent of stopping drinking.

But it’s pretty uncomfortable living on a concrete slab, unprotected and exposed to the heat, cold, wind and rain. So I built a room on the slab by starting to practice the program. The more I practiced, and the more I built, the more comfortable, and happy, was the home I now have to live in. –Daily Reflections | More…


We each are offered the gifts of roots when we give ourselves fully to the program. We are never going to face, alone, any difficult situation after discovering recovery. Never again need we make any decision in isolation. Help is constant. Guidance through companionship with others and our contacts with God will always be as close as our requests. Every step we take, nourishes the roots we are developing. The program’s gifts are ours, only if we work the program. –Each Day A New Beginning | More…


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