
Definition of Focus:
Pay particular attention to.

Synonyms of Focus:

Spotlight, target, heart, limelight, etc

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


The great discovery of sobriety led me to feel the need to spread the “good news” to the world around me. The grandiose thoughts of my drinking days returned.

Later, I learned that concentrating on my own recovery was a full-time process. –Daily Reflections | More…

All thoughts are real. We must think to cause action and each action creates results.
Big visions require many thoughts. It takes a series of thoughts to create a series of actions. A series of actions creates a series of results.

These results are what makes vision become real. If we are here to serve the Creator then we can expect to be accomplishing big visions.  –Elders Meditations | More…


Beware of the thing of which you say — “Oh, that does not matter much.” The fact that it does not matter much to you may mean that it matters a very great deal to God. Nothing is a light matter with a child of God. How much longer are some of us going to keep God trying to teach us one thing? He never loses patience. Are you protesting that your heart is right with God, and yet is there something in your life about which He has caused you to doubt? Whenever there is doubt, quit immediately, no matter what it is. Nothing is a mere detail. You are all right in the main but you are slipshod; there is a relapse on the line of concentration. You no more need a holiday from spiritual concentration than your heart needs a holiday from beating. You cannot have a moral holiday and remain moral, nor can you have a spiritual holiday and remain spiritual. Some of us expect to “clear the numberless ascensions” in about two minutes. –My Utmost for His Highest | More…

All thoughts are real. We must think to cause action and each action creates results. Big visions require many thoughts. It takes a series of thoughts to create a series of actions. A series of actions creates a series of results. These results are what makes vision become real. If we are here to serve the Creator then we can expect to be accomplishing big visions. –Elders Meditations | More…


I focus on what’s really important in life. Quality rather than appearance… ethics rather than rules… integrity rather than achievement… serenity rather than acquisitions. –Dr. Wayne Dyer

I believe A.A. works because I see people getting sober and staying sober. An actual demonstration is what convinces me. Seeing is believing. I pray that I may accept God’s blessing so that I will have harmony, beauty, joy, and happiness. –24Hours | More…


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