
Definition of Fairness:
Impartial & just treatment/ behaviour without favoritism or discrimination

Synonyms of Fairness:
Just, fair, justice, justness, non-discriminative, sportsmanship,

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs. Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail. We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Fairness is what justice really is. –Keep It Simple | More…

Often in our illness we were ashamed, so we let people take advantage of us. In recovery, we work hard to be fair with others. And we deserve to be treated with fairness too. –Keep It Simple | More…

Spirituality requires that I treat all people with dignity and respect because they carry something of God within them — the image of God is with all men. In this way I show and give respect to self. Sobriety teaches me that “the way” must include others; my fellow men are part of my life and journey. I cannot live in isolation and be sober –Father Leo’s Meditations | More…


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