
Definition of Empowering:
Give (someone) the authority or power to do something

Synonyms of Empowering:
Authorize, entitle, sanction, commission, delegate, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Each of us is responsible for ourselves. That does not mean we don’t care. It does not mean a cold, calculated withdrawal of our support from others.

It means we learn to love and support people in ways that work. It means we learn to love and support ourselves in ways that work.

It means that we connect with friends who love and support us in ways that work. To believe in people, to believe in each person’s inherent ability to think, feel, solve problems, and take care of themselves is a great gift we can give and receive from others. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…

We don’t have to be intellectuals to make good choices. In recovery, we have a gift and a goal available to each of us. The gift is called wisdom.

We can reach out to others for feedback. We can ask for information. We can take opinions into account. But it is our task to make our own decisions. It is our pleasure and right to have our own opinions.

We are each free to embrace and enjoy the treasure of our own mind, intellect, and wisdom. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…


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