
Definition of Disease:
A particular disposition regarded as adversely affecting a person or group of people.

Synonyms of Disease:
Illness, sickness, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


I am Your Disease

I hate meetings.
I hate your higher power.
I hate anyone who has a program.
To all who come in contact with me,
I wish you suffering and death.

Allow me to introduce myself…
I am the disease of addiction.
Alcoholism, drugs and eating disorders.
I am cunning, baffling and powerful. That’s me!

I’ve killed millions and enjoyed doing it.
I love to catch you by surprise.
I love pretending I’m your friend and lover.
I’ve given you comfort.
Wasn’t I there when you were lonely?

When you wanted to die, didn’t you call on me?
I love to make you hurt.
I love to make you cry. Better yet…
I love it when I make you so numb,
You can’t hurt and you can’t cry.
You feel nothing at all.

I give you instant gratification.
All I ask for in return is long term suffering.
I’ve always been there for you.

When things were going right, you invited me back.
You said you didn’t deserve to be happy.
I agreed with you.
Together we were able to destroy your life.

People don’t take me seriously.
They take strokes seriously.
They take heart attacks seriously.
Even diabetes, they take seriously.
Yet, without my help, these things wouldn’t be possible.

I’m such a hated disease, yet I don’t come uninvited.
You choose to have me.
Many have chosen me, instead of love and peace.

I hate all of you who work a 12 step program.
Your program, your meetings, and your higher power weaken me.
I can’t function in the manner I am accustomed to.

I am your disease.
For now I must lie here quietly.
You don’t see me, but I’m growing more powerful every day.

When you settle for mere existence, I thrive.
When you feel fully alive, I weaken.
But I’m always here waiting for you.

Until we meet again,
I wish you continued suffering and death.
–Author Unknown –In The Sunlight | More…


disease is so cunning that it can get us into impossible situations. The program provides us with many voices that counter our addiction, voices we can trust. We can call our sponsor for a reality check. We can listen to the voice of an addict trying to get clean. The ultimate solution is to work the steps and draw on the strength of a Higher Power. That will get us through those times when “our disease is talking. –Just For Today | More…

Our disease is so cunning that it can get us into impossible situations. The program provides us with many voices that counter our addiction, voices we can trust. We can call our sponsor for a reality check. We can listen to the voice of an addict trying to get clean. The ultimate solution is to work the steps and draw on the strength of a Higher Power. That will get us through those times when “our disease is talking. –Just For Today | More…

The spiritual part of our disease is our total self-centeredness. We strip away our delusion of self-sufficiency by admitting our own powerlessness and seeking the aid of a Power greater than ourselves. We acknowledge the bankruptcy of our self-righteousness by admitting we’ve been wrong, making amends, and seeking knowledge of what’s right from the God our understanding. And we deflate our overwhelming sense of self-importance by seeking to serve others, not only ourselves. –Just For Today | More…


We would not wish the disease of addiction on anyone. But the fact remains that we addicts already have this disease—and further, that without this disease we may never have embarked on our spiritual journey. Thousands of people search their whole lives for what we have found in Narcotics Anonymous: fellowship, a sense of purpose, and conscious contact with a Higher Power. Today, we are grateful for everything that has brought us this blessing. –Just For Today | More…


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