
Definition of Disaster:
An event or fact that has unfortunate consequences.

Synonyms of Disaster:

Catastrophe, calamity, cataclysm, tragedy. etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


As never before the struggle for power, importance, and wealth is tearing civilization apart. Man against man, family against family, group against group, nation against nation.

Nearly all those engaged in this fierce competition declare that their aim is peace and justice for themselves, their neighbours, and their nations: Give us power and we shall have justice;

Give us fame and we shall set a great example; Give us money and we shall be comfortable and happy.

People throughout the world deeply believe that, and act accordingly. On this appalling dry bender, society seems to be staggering down a dead-end road.

The stop sign is clearly marked. It says ‘Disaster.’ We of AA ought to know. Nearly every one of us has traversed this identical dead-end path …

Then came AA. We faced about and found ourselves on a new high road where the direction signs said never a word about power, fame, or wealth. –AA Co-Founder, Bill W., January 1955/Grapevine


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