
Definition of Destiny:
The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.

Synonyms of Destiny:

Future, fate, fortune, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


Destiny isn’t some distant place, or a peak of fame and fortune. Destiny isn’t one moment in our lives, one time when we shine for all the world to see. Destiny is now.

Destiny is each moment of our lives, shining through, linking together, like the endless cars on the train. Destiny means embracing each moment, being present for it, cherishing it because it is our now.

Whether it holds exhilaration, discovery, sadness, tough decisions, or tender love, each moment is our destiny. Those moments of destiny link together in an endless chain to become our lives.–Journey To The Heart/Melody Beattie | More…


Destiny has its own course in each of our lives. We must fulfil our personal desires, vocationally and recreationally, if we are to successfully offer up our special talents for the goodness of humankind.

Others cannot pull us from our true calling. If the love between us is real, it will free us and bless our direction, Trusting our hearts will not be torn asunder. –Worthy of Love/Karen Casey | More…

The journey to the Spirit World is a long one, my friend.  But when you die, that doesn’t mean that this is the end.

Death is only part of a process of life. It shows the transition into the Spirit World. –Elder’s Meditation | More…

When we accept deep within ourselves the fact that we will die, that our days are numbered, as certainly as those of each thriving, bustling generation before us, then we become more fully alive and vital.

Since death is certain, the real question is; How shall we live? By pursuing recovery and spiritual growth we have chosen to live more fully and to use our energies well. –Touchstones | More…


Eternal Life

Eternal life is not a state that is future only; it begins in the now, and then continues.
Conditional immortality states the human soul is naturally mortal, and that immortality is granted by God as a gift

Some believe that only God has immortality, and when a person dies, death is a state of unconscious sleep until the resurrection. They base this belief on biblical texts such as Ecclesiastes 9:5 which states “the dead know nothing”, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 which contains a description of the dead being raised from the grave at the second coming.

The Apostles’ Creed testifies: “I believe… the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.” One of the major speakers of eternal life was Jesus.

Eternal life for the believer is the glorious, endless experience of our inheritance that we share with Jesus Christ, for we are “joint heirs” with Christ

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The Greek word most often translated as “eternal” is aionios. It means unending, but also focuses on the quality or characteristics of that which is age-long or eternal.

Combined with the Greek Zoe for “life,” which indicates not only biological existence but a fullness or genuineness of life, “eternal life” includes both the ideas of quality and quantity of life.
Eternal life is not simply life that never ends, but a fullness of life that is unending.
In fact, in many ways, eternal life really has nothing to do with time as it can be experienced apart from time as well as within time.

Eternal life turns on nothing more and nothing less than knowledge of the true God. Eternal life is not so much everlasting life as personal knowledge of the Everlasting One.
Eternal life is the life everlasting in the presence of God. Eternal life is not a gift from God; eternal life is the gift of God.

Never confound eternal life with immortality. Eternal has reference to the quality of life, not to its duration. –Oswald Chambers

Prayer is the vital breath of the believer; not the thing that makes him alive, but the evidence that he is alive. –Oswald Chambers


Watch your thoughts; They become words.
Watch your words; They become actions.
Watch your actions; They become habits.
Watch your habits; They become character.
Watch your character; It becomes your destiny. –Lao Tzu


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