Definition of Anniversary Date:
A date something important happens that is noted in some way each year thereafter.

Synonyms of Anniversary Date:
birthday, ceremony, honouring, observance, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click external links for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

in fellowship.


Anniversary 12 December 1937

On this date in 1937, Bill W. met with trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation in an attempt to get money to support his “new idea to cure drunks.” Our co-founders were not the only ones divinely guided.

John D. Rockefeller Jr., sent a representative (Frank Amos) to Akron to assess the new movement.  Amos returned with a recommendation that $50,000 be granted the as-yet-unnamed organization.

But Rockefeller had the foresight to see that outside money would corrupt this fledgling fellowship.  In February of ’38, he offered only $5,000– enough seed money to set up a small office and pay a secretary and postage to respond to mail queries.

One of the reasons the Big Book was written was as a money maker to offset this disappointment. | More…


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