Definition of Creativity:
use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.
Synonyms of Creativity:
imagination, innovation, originality, artistry, inspiration, vision, ingenuity, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click the external link for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.
Love in fellowship.

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The spiritual experience of being creative is open to us when we take on a creative attitude toward what we are doing. Being creative moves us toward wholeness as people. –Touchstones | More…

Everything really is equal.
Everybody and everything lives by the same Laws. –Elders Meditations | More…

Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. We all need warm encouragement for our endeavours, and we can give as well as receive it.

In this way, creativity can bloom bringing delight into our lives. –Today’s Gift | More…

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The more open and connected you are to the world around you, the more creative you will become.

You will become more creative in your own growth and in how you live your life. You will be more creative in problem solving in work and play. You’ll be more willing to try new things– whether it’s learning to play a flute, build a stone fence, or ride a horse.

You’ll find yourself more open in solving problems with loved ones, trying less traditional approaches than you might have considered in the past. You’ll find yourself gaining insights, information, and healing from sources you may have previously overlooked.

Your participation in all your activities will be more spontaneous.
You will hear the universe prompting you more. You will imagine more.

You will recognize the quiet voice of intuition, the voice of your heart. You will see possibilities. And because you are open to your heart, the guidance of your inner voice, you will know what to do, and when to do it. –Journey to the Heart/Melody Beattie | More…

If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking.
Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk. –Touchstones | More…

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We come to this day with a choice of whether to be for something or against it. Shall we put energy into what we seek and admire or shall we give our energy to opposition and resistance of what we dislike?

If someone asks a favour, we have a choice to resent and resist the intrusion or to engage with the person and see where it might lead. Criticizing may be a helpful first stage in learning, but it is seductive because it holds little risk and we feel safe doing it.

In that comfort we forget to go forward to create what we really want. Our negative energy, when we are seduced by it, creates negative results. –Touchstones | More…

Creative activity might mean a hobby, sport, or other activity. We become one with the activity and are nourished by it. We grow as the activity grows.

Spirituality and creativity are akin. There is an exhilaration rooted deep within us that is a lifeline to God.

Creative activity releases the exhilaration, and the energy goes through us and out to others. We find ourselves and our higher power through the loss of our self-conscious selves. –Each Day A New Beginning/Karen Casey | More…

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Just as an artist creates through simplification, our recovery process grows and deepens as we simplify our life. We have often complicated a problem by our way of thinking.

Most of us don’t think of ourselves as artists. Yet we are each given a profound, creative opportunity – to fashion a meaningful and worthwhile pattern in our lives. –Touchstones | More…

The spiritual experience of being creative is open to us when we take on a creative attitude toward what we are doing. Being creative moves us toward wholeness as people.

As we create on the outside, we are being created on the inside. The way in which we live every aspect of our lives is a creative, growing process and a partnership with God. –Touchstones | More…

As we go about our activities, we will have a richer day when we think of ourselves as painting a picture instead of keeping score. Many of us were taught that success means having the highest score.

When our lives are lived as rich and interesting pictures, we find our rewards are far deeper and more lasting than some new achievement. –Touchstones | More…

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