Elderly Care

of Caring:
Displaying kindness and concern for others.

Synonyms for Caring:

Kind, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, soft-hearted, tender, feeling, tending, nurturing, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click the external link for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.


When we see someone drunk and out of control, can we see the beautiful person inside them?
Step Twelve reminds us that we have to help the alcoholic or other drug addict who suffers. This task has been given to us because we, most of all, should be able to look past the drunkenness and see the person. –Keep It Simple | More…


In our addiction, we didn’t care about other people, even though we wanted to. We didn’t care for ourselves. We let bad things happen to us. We didn’t care about living. We set no goals, had no fun, smelled no flowers.

In our recovery, we do care. We care about others, ourselves, and life. Our spirits are on the move again. –Keep It Simple | More…

I recognize when I’m feeling angry, and I accept that feeling without shame or blame. I recognize when I’m feeling hurt, and I accept those feelings without attempting to punish the source of my pain. I recognize and feel fear when that emotion presents itself.

I allow myself to feel happiness, joy, and love when those emotions are available. Taking care of myself means I’ve made a decision that it’s okay to feel.

Taking care of my emotions means I allow myself to stay with the feeling until it’s time to release it and go on to the next one. Taking care of myself emotionally means I value, treasure, explore, and cherish the emotional part of myself. –The Language of Letting Go/Melody Beattie | More…

Being in recovery doesn’t mean things will be easy. We have friends who listen to us, care for us, and help us through the pain.

Because of our recovery program, we’re able to keep hope and love in our lives—One Day at a Time. –Keep It Simple | More…


Asking for God’s help is our greatest source of strength and courage. By working the program, we’ve found the tools we need to successfully meet any challenge. We’ve come to believe in a Power greater than ourselves, a Power that cares for our will and our lives. We’ve asked that Power to remove our character defects, those things that made our lives unmanageable. We’ve taken action to improve our conscious contact with that Higher Power. Through the steps, we’ve been given the ability to stop using drugs and start living. Each day, we are faced with new challenges. And each day, through working our program of recovery, we are given the grace to meet those challenges. –Just For Today | More…

Mother Earth is the source of all life. We should not only be concerned about the part of the Earth we live on, but we should be concerned about the parts of the Earth that other people live on. The Earth is one great whole. The trees in Brazil generate the air in the Untied States. If the trees are cut in Brazil, it affects the air that all people breathe. Every person needs to conscientiously think about how they respect the Earth. Do we dump our garbage out of the car? Do we poison the water? Do we poison the air? Am I taking on the responsibility of being a caretaker of the Earth? –Elders Meditations | More…






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