Definition of Angel:
A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God.

Synonyms of Angel:
Messenger of God, divine/heavenly messenger, divine being, spirit, etc.

These notes are from recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click the external link for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.

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Angels in our lives encourage us to hope, dream, dare, and trust.
They point out beautiful sights.

They shine a light on our path, so we know where to step next.
We need guidance, faith, and hope.

We need to know we’re on track and that someone cares.
We need the angels to help us.

The angels in our lives give us a kind word, share a kind thought, offer a helping hand and a warm smile. Their words empower and comfort us, their touch heals, their loving looks warm our hearts.

They radiate love and faith.
I’ve learned it’s easy to be loving, one man said. What takes work is to be kind –Journey to the Heart/Bill W.

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Angels of Creation
Angels may be thought of as people who do nice things for us without expecting much in return.
They give for the love of giving.

They seek out opportunities to help, even when it seems inconvenient.
They don’t always look like we expect them to look or smell like we think they should.

Their beliefs aren’t always aligned with ours.
But when we need them, they are there.

When was the last time you recognized an angel?
Perhaps they let your car pass into the next lane without giving you a dirty look.

Perhaps they offered to assist you when you were overloaded with bags.
Perhaps they gave you their seat on the subway or the bus.

Maybe they gave you a gift they knew you’d like.
Perhaps they loaned you some money, bought clothes or toys for your kids when you couldn’t, or just lent a helping hand in whatever way they could.

Or maybe it was a friend who just stopped in the middle of a busy workday to take your call or meet with you for coffee or lunch. An angel can be someone you know or someone you meet in passing.

Angels enhance your life, if even for a moment.
You’re invited to recognize and acknowledge the angels in your life, people who have contributed to your life in big and small ways. –52 Weeks of Esteem-able Acts/Francine Ward | More…

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