
Definition of Abundance:
A very large quantity of something.

Synonyms of Abundance:

Profusion, plentifulness, profuseness, copiousness, bountifulness, infinity, opulence, exuberance, luxuriance, etc

These notes are from literature about recovery in AA and/or related 12 step programs.
Readers are encouraged to click the external link for more detail.
We hope you find them helpful.

Love in fellowship.

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We always have room for more in our lives.
When we are ready for it, what we need for growth will emerge. –Today’s Gift | More…

We should have life and have it more abundantly—spiritual, mental, physical, abundant life—joyous, powerful life. Not all people will accept from God the gift of an abundant life, a gift held out free to all. Not all people care to stretch out a hand and take it. God’s gift, the richest He has to offer, is the precious gift of abundant life. People often turn away from it, reject it, and will have none of it. Do not let this be true of you. –24Hours | More…

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