Alcoholism is an incurable disease. Loneliness is not

Alcoholism is an incurable disease. Loneliness is not.

The more we become willing to depend upon a Higher Power,
the more independent we actually are. –Bill W.

In recovery we can be trusted again.
We can again live and love ourselves.
We do this by finding our spiritual center.
We turn our will and our lives over to this spiritual center.

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Avoid negative thinking because this leads to unnecessary worry.
It takes no more time to see the good side of life than it takes to see the bad.

In A.A., we find a new outlook on life.
We learn how to change from alcoholic thinking to sober thinking.

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I am an alcoholic.
If I drink I will die.
My, what power, energy, and emotion this simple statement generates in me!
But it’s really all I need to know for today.
Am I willing to stay alive today?
Am I willing to stay sober today?
Am I willing to ask for help and,
am I willing to be a help to another suffering alcoholic today?

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